2022 Winter Lights Walk: ASLA AK Announced Winner
This winter's Winter Lights Walk winner was none other than ASLA AK and we could not be more excited! Laura Minks and Leah Buron have spearheaded this for our chapter each year, and this year they really outdid themselves. We appreciate their dedication and creativity! Pictured below is Laura with her family and Leah putting the finishing touches on the gnome!
Thank you so much Fairbanks North Star Borough Parks & Rec and the Fairbanks Economic Development Corporation for facilitating this wonderful event each year.
Finally, a big thank you to the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner for the lovely feature. As the first line of their article states "A bright, cheery gnome bestowed the Fairbanks Senior Center Meals on Wheels program a $4,200 donation after residents voted the bearded and bulbous-nosed tree the winner of the Winter Lights Walk."
To read the full article follow this link: https://www.newsminer.com/news/local_news/a-gnome-inspired-donation/article_d24d9320-8251-11ed-94b9-bf5a637bae46.html?fbclid=IwAR3GDOKvaeBkvDi4Rt1K7pvICFFDJ_soGUhrh3zQjva-ZGDip28cLXA5eqE