The Alaska Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects works to provide local opportunities for continuing education. Please use the calendar below to reference any CEU opportunities that might be coming up and please note we try to make any education opportunities free to our members when possible. Non-members are currently charged $25 per education event.
As shown on ASLA's ONLINE LEARNING page, ASLA Online Learning presentations provide information on new and evolving practices and techniques. These distance learning opportunities are also a convenient and affordable way to earn the professional development hours (PDH) needed to meet state licensure requirements. PDH are approved by the Landscape Architecture Continuing Education System™ (LA CES™) and can be earned after viewing a presentation by completing and passing a self study exam.
Take your pick between Live Presentations, Recorded Presentations, and even apply to provide your own discussion on the Speaker Proposal form.
You may have received an email that directed you to this page to make a payment to receive your PDH certificate.
Please click on the "Buy Now" button and once notified that the transaction is complete, you should receive your PDH certificate. Note you will have to do individual transactions for each PDH you are looking to claim.
Reduced and waived cost are available to our members- if you are interested in membership follow the button to "Become a Member" below!

Information as follows according to ​the Alaska State Requirements from the American Society of Landscape Architects. To view the full explanation visit this page.
24 PDH/ 2 years
Deems courses provided by LA CES approved providers as acceptable for continuing education requirements
PDH = Professional Development Hour (not less than 50 minutes of instruction)
12 extra PDH may be carried over to the next reporting period
All CE must be relevant to the practice of landscape architecture and may include technical, ethical or managerial content
All CE must address the public health, safety and welfare by instructing in the proper planning and design in the area of the licensee’s license, for the construction of buildings, structures, infrastructure, or the spaces within and surrounding such facilities, preservation and enhancement of land use and natural land features, measuring and locating land for property boundaries, platting, planning and design of subdivisions, or the preparation and perpetuation of maps or record plats so that generally (a) risk to injury to persons is minimized; (b) the results are durable and environmentally friendly; (c) the results function properly in all relevant respects; or (d) the results enhance the general welfare of the public. (This section applies to all architects, engineers, and land surveyors as well as landscape architects)
The following are deemed to be non-qualifying activities: Regular employment; courses in self-study or personal self-improvement; service club meetings or activities; equipment demonstrations or trade shows; topics not relevant to registrant’s field of practice; enrollment without attendance in courses or seminars, etc.; repetitive teaching of the same course without updating the course material; attending committee and business meetings of any organization; conversational language courses for personal use.