2019 Annual General Meeting
This year’s annual general meeting to welcome in the 2020 board and thank the 2019 board was on December 6th, 2019 at the Boardroom in Downtown Anchorage. We were lucky enough to have a presentation by MOA Planning Director, Michele McNulty anchorage and Senior Planner, Tom Davis, on the new Title 21 codes for the downtown district. It provided a great opportunity to learn more about this overlay district as well as have conversations of what our Downtown District could and should look and feel like. Big topics: Parking (do we REALLY need this much surface parking?), winter maintenance, accessibility, and removing barriers and drawing more small-business opportunities downtown.
We also were happy to have two of our birch-level sponsors attend Karl Croft from Exerplay and Sarah Kwon from Victor Stanley. A HUGE thanks to Exerplay for sponsoring our annual general meeting this year at the Denali Level!
With that, we also had a separate SE social, which was in Juneau and brought together many of the Las spread out through the southeast. See photo below of this wonderful gathering!