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CALL TO ACTION: Demand the MUTCD Recognize Landscape Architecture & Meet Community Needs

ASLA needs your help urging the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to strike or modify harmful regulatory language impacting the profession of landscape architecture.

FHWA is currently revising the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD), but has inappropriately implied only engineers are competent to interpret and apply the MUTCD. Proposed amendments to Section 1D.05 (existing Section 1A.09) states:

“provisions of [the MUTCD] are intended to be interpreted and applied by engineers or those under the supervision of an engineer.”

In addition to asking for this very important industry-specific change, your comments will urge the FHWA to reframe and rewrite the MUTCD, creating a path for guidance that more closely aligns with the equity, safety, and sustainability goals of communities nationwide.

Deadline Friday, May 14 at 12:00 PM Eastern


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